What's the power paradigm shift and how are hospitals prime to lead?

The silent operation of a hospital microgrid illustrates a paradigm shift. The rapid advancement of technology is forcing people to reevaluate the opportunities and, resultantly, regulations for how power is provided to critical facilities like hospitals.
Installing Solar in Dominica - Class is (back) in Session

We are helping to improve the quality of life for these communities and providing resilient energy sources (in the event of future natural disasters). These schools can be used as places of refuge so ensuring that they have electricity will be a huge benefit and could save lives.
PDC Summit 2018: A Melody of Mazzetti in the Music City

It’s that time of year again--Spring Training, March Madness, and PDC Summit! We're serving up a a great line-up of sessions featuring timely info on energy procurement, hybrid OR's, and even LEAN techniques to reduce energy consumption. See more details...
Affecting Sustainable Change - Why it's both difficult and well-worth pursuing

We often mistake system-problems for people-problems. We assume people are lazy or difficult, when they are exhausted or uninformed. Consider what information they need, what motivates them, and what in their environment is working for or against them.
How Integrated Design Yields Optimal Healing and Building Performance

Designing a healing place now means understanding how a building affects its people and its environment. How did we partner with Perkins+Will to achieve optimal healing AND building performance?
Why we must persevere with electrical code changes in Healthcare

Why updating the electrical codes for Healthcare facilities is our fundamental duty as environmental stewards.
Revolutionizing Healthcare Design--Join us in Orlando

We're serving up a great line-up of sessions featuring timely info on patient-centered smart buildings, energy efficient design case studies, and even international insight for solving domestic healthcare facility challenges.
What is Energy "Peace of Mind"?

We see a large part of our role is to provide you, our clients, peace of mind. This implies both trust and appropriate outcomes. What better design validation than measuring actual performance?!
Pushing for More Sustainable Outcomes--Join us.

We've listened to you, our clients, as we've collaborated on a project. Reading between the lines, we hear your need (and the Healthcare industry's need) to push for more sustainable outcomes.
Politics Aside. Let's Unite on Eliminating Waste.

We remain committed to helping, whenever possible, to eliminating waste in all its forms. And, not only are we walking the walk – we hope we are leading by example. Everything is possible, if we decide to make it so.
Lucile Packard's Children's Hospital: Where Innovation is Reality

Packard Children’s Hospital, in Palo Alto California, will be one of the most sustainable large hospitals in the country. It will be the first US hospital to use Displacement Ventilation in all patient areas, reducing first costs and energy consumption/costs.
PDC Summit 2017: New Sessions, New People, New Swag

It’s that time of year again--Spring Training, March Madness, and PDC Summit! We're serving up a a great line-up of sessions featuring timely info on energy procurement, hybrid OR's, and even LEAN techniques to reduce energy consumption. See more details...
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