Troy Savage Recognized by AIA AAH Healthcare Design’s Best Under 40


Troy Savage, Project Manager Extraordinaire (and Strategic Innovation Master) at Mazzetti, was officially named to the U40 List – AIA AAH List of Healthcare Design’s Best Under 40. Each year up to two individuals are named to this list presented by the American Institute of Architects Academy of Architecture for Health, acknowledging individuals making a significant contribution to the advancement of healthcare facilities design. The individuals are selected by a jury composed of a diverse group of leaders within the healthcare design industry from a broad group of firms/organizations and backgrounds. 

 “I have been working in the Healthcare Design Business for almost 40 years; I have been privileged to work with many amazing young people. Troy is the best of them…Troy is a leader. Time after time, I have asked Troy to help me with various special projects, often involving high-level thinkers in the world of Healthcare Design, and time after time, Troy has taken on the leadership of the efforts, and seen them to spectacular finishes.”  – Walt Vernon, Mazzetti CEO

Troy is taking a prominent research, facilitation, and leadership role to help decarbonize the U.S. Healthcare sector. He led numerous working groups of Healthcare professionals across the country to help craft the National Academy of Medicine’s scoping paper, reviewing the key factors contributing to the carbon footprint of the U.S. healthcare sector and potential strategies to mitigate the impact of the U.S. healthcare system on climate change.

decarb:HealthcareHe’s been “the face”, of decarb:Healthcare, a grant-funded project to create THE guidebook to decarbonize Healthcare. Thanks to Troy, and all those who’ve participated in the workshops thus far, this is the start of a movement to truly decarbonize Healthcare.

Troy is helping us “reimagine” Healthcare through Sextant’s Reimagining Workshops. ‘Reimagining’ is defined by creating a compelling moment of innovation. The workshops provide a platform for unleashing the power of individuals within teams: clinicians, designers, and other professionals convene in small groups, practice human-centered design, and rethink specific spaces in healthcare facilities (e.g. Operating Rooms, NICU, Emergency Departments, and more).

As a volunteer of Mazzetti’s Sextant Foundation, he’s traveled internationally to help bring resilient, reliable power to hospitals and clinics across Puerto Rico via solar PV installations.

He’s disrupting health services research for better outcomes with AcademyHealth in the Paradigm Project

“In our collective work with Mr. Savage – who led a team of his colleagues in partnering with AcademyHealth on a significant, innovative, and highly visible initiative – we have observed his clear demonstration of the characteristics reflected by others who have been recognized in this community. We also recognize that his unique personal spirit, vision, and commitment only further enhance the result of our collaborative work.” – AcademyHealth partners 

This prestigious recognition of Troy’s (continued) contributions to the industry, proves that design-thinking is well beyond that which is applied in Revit. And, for Healthcare design to continue to evolve, as it needs to, it will require all of us to continue to evolve our own thinking.

Congratulations to Troy on this spectacular and well-deserved achievement!!

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