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What if we "reimagined" the ICU alongside clinicians?
On the final day of the Healthcare Facilities Symposium (in Boston), Thursday September 19, we’ll kick off the next two-day “Reimagining Workshop” focusing on critical care spaces, presented by the Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) & theSociety of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM). We’re assembling leading designers and clinicians, including folks from Harvard, Kaiser, Brigham Woman’s, Mayo Clinic, and more. Participating architects and clinicians earn continuing education credits.
What if we "reimagined" the OR alongside clinicians?
According to the American College of Surgeons (MA Chapter), Americans experiences an average of six operating room procedures in a lifetime. Any invasive procedure brings a significant amount of risk and expense to both the patient and healthcare organization. If we can improve the effectiveness of these physical spaces, we can help improve outcomes and overall public health.