
Is your facility reaping the monetary benefits of RCx?


Over the last 12 months, one of our valued clients has saved a total of $983,470 from RetroCommissioning (RCx) services. Their cost after rebates was $584,380, with a payback of 0.6 years! Thanks to the assistance of Mazzetti’s experts, our client has reaped the benefits RCx services can provide. See more details here.

Are you reaping these benefits?

As industry experts, our responsibility is to see opportunities for our clients and advise accordingly, especially opportunities for savings and energy reduction. According to the 2017 Johnson Controls Energy Efficiency Indicator (EEI) Survey , HVAC equipment remains the most popular improvement. These mechanical systems often operate inefficiently for various reasons–lack of funding for repairs or replacement, insufficient knowledge of proper operation, inadequate staff, and poor documentation, to mention a few. Temporary repairs are common, and in the age of sophisticated systems, small issues can often manifest into large problems in healthcare facilities. Through the RCx process, building owners are made aware of specific areas requiring attention and restore their building’s performance with the help of a detective.

What exactly is RCx?

RCx is a systematic process for identifying and implementing operational and maintenance improvements in a building to ensure continued healthy performance over time. RCx goes beyond maintenance measures to identify deficiencies that aren’t always so obvious. That experienced detective, also known as a Commissioning Authority (CA), provides strategies that can lower utility bills and provide other benefits–reduced maintenance costs and improved occupant comfort and indoor air quality.

Low-hanging fruit

Consider your own facility. How confident are you in the effectiveness of your existing Building Automation Systems (BAS)? Do you think you’re “ringing out” (hence the banner image) the full value of your BAS to increase efficiencies, particularly re energy efficiencies?  The data suggests more value is available for most facilities with little to no capital costs.

You can discover more about Mazzetti’s Cx and RCx solutions (including our EXPERTS) here. 

Did you know, that if your facility runs at a 5% profit margin, every dollar in energy cost you save is equal to grossing $20 of additional revenue?

Our client recently distributed their annual savings report, which documents each project’s overall cost and savings. We thought this graphic  might help illustrate, literally, reaping the benefits of RCX, “ringing out'” every ounce of value.

Interested to discuss possibilities for your facility, contact me..

RCx savings

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    Building Capacity & HOPE to Combat Cholera in Haiti


    Public Hospital in Miragroane

    On January 12, 2017, the New England Journal of Medicine, noting the scale of the cholera problem in Haiti – “already a disaster before the hurricane hit” – described a short, medium, and long-term program for “ambitious action on cholera control and elimination in Haiti.” This program was developed by the Haitian Ministry of Health in consultation with the US National Institutes of Health.

    The program started with humanitarian relief for the population affected by the hurricane, coupled with “a simultaneous need to ensure that cholera treatment centers and oral rehydration posts are functional. After the hurricane, many of these facilities will have to be rebuilt.”

    Shortly after the hurricane, a team of Mazzetti and Sextant Foundation volunteers accompanied Project HOPE’s medical volunteers to assess some of the facility needs in the state of Nippes, an area heavily affected by the hurricane. As a result of that work, Project HOPE was able to secure financial support for the needed construction.


    Mazzetti and Sextant volunteers with Project HOPE team

    Volunteers from Mazzetti and the Sextant Foundation worked with Project HOPE leadership to design a new Cholera Treatment Center for the public hospital in Miragoane. That project drew upon best practices for other CTC’s in the country, and optimized cost, speed of construction, versatility (so it could also be used for other purposes once cholera needs abated), usability, and lessons learned from the other superb designs elsewhere in the country. Mazzetti’s design volunteers included world-class architects from HKS (who also helped Mazzetti with the Philippines’ Typhoon response) and MASS Design Group (who designed the brilliant CTC for Gheskio Foundation in Port au Prince), as well Fall Creek Engineering, who helped to design the waste water treatment facilities for the Gheskio CTC. The building will feature cost-effective operational features such as on-site chlorine generation; it will be completely powered with solar energy with extensive battery back-up, as  power in the area is notoriously unreliable.

    Mazzetti and Sextant volunteers managed the construction and performed the electrical and plumbing work, working with and training local contractors in Miragoane.

    As the successful construction project comes to completion, Project HOPE will move toward important long-term planning for capacity building to help the country to, as suggested by NEJM, control and eliminate cholera and support sustainable health system strengthening in Haiti.

    Message from Mazzetti CEO Walt Vernon:

    We started the Sextant Foundation after volunteering to help Project Hope following the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti. Seeing the good that Project Hope does in the world was life-changing for me, and we modeled the Sextant Foundation more or less after Project Hope – bringing volunteers from US healthcare to provide desperately needed infrastructure to support their medical missions. I am so happy that we are continuing to find ways to work together like this, empowering the people of Haiti to manage the health issues they face. Thanks to all of our donors and volunteers.


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      Haiti’s Urgent Need for HOPE Combating Cholera


      What an opportunity in the “Season of Giving”

      We said we’d be back. And now we have that opportunity to follow through. Following the reconnaissance work via the Sextant Foundation and Mazzetti employees Walt Vernon, Tamara McDonald, and Johnny Chung, Project HOPE was able to secure funding to construct the new Cholera Treatment facility requested by the Minister of Health from the state of Nippes, in Haiti. Read more from our reconnaissance trip in early November.


      Haiti is currently bracing for an expected onslaught of Cholera, following the recent devastation of Hurricane Matthew. Approximately 2.1 million people were impacted by the storm, leaving 1.4 million (12% of Haiti’s population) in need of assistance in some capacity. As of October 14, the death toll was at 546 with 128 people missing and 439 injured. The Haitian government estimates nearly $1.89 billion in damages, including primary healthcare infrastructure in the state of Nippes; the country has no resources to rebuild. Project HOPE and Mazzetti/Sextant, at the request of the State Minister of Health, have planned, designed, and are beginning construction on a new cholera treatment facility at Hospital St. Therese, in Miragoane, the capital city of Nippes.


      On January 12, 2010, an earthquake of 7.0 magnitude hit Haiti. It killed 1⁄4 million people, injured over 300,000 and left 1.6 million people homeless. Far from the epicenter, CRUDEM Foundation’s Hôpital Sacré Coeur survived the earthquake and thousands were flown in by helicopter. When most NGOs, including Project Hope, sent only medical workers, Project HOPE also sent engineers. The goal was to assess the remaining health facilities to best deploy medical professionals with infrastructure that supported these medical missions. Thus was born the Mazzetti/Sextant Foundation and our long-running commitment to improving health facilities in places in the most need. View the video here.

      Months after this earthquake, the country faced a new challenge. Cholera. Though not endemic to Haiti, prior to the earthquake, Cholera broke out, killing thousands. More on the suspected cause of the outbreak here.


      Since returning from our most recent recon trip, We have sent Jeff Rodriguez, friend of Mazzetti’s, Sextant Foundation activist, and former Hospital Facility engineer, back to Nippes (in Haiti) where we will meet with Project HOPE members and local Haitians to start work. Haitians urgently need more cholera treatment accessibility. Through Project HOPE’s coordination with the Haitian government and specifically the Ministry of Health, we have planned, designed, and will construct a cholera treatment center. The center will be located at the St. Therese Hospital in Miragoane, the capital of the state of Nippes. The new facility will include 20 beds and a bioreactor, for hospital waste water treatment, appropriate to the local maintenance abilities. It will be powered by solar panels to eliminate the need for expensive diesel fuel. It will be designed to treat cholera victims, but the Ministry intends to use it beyond any potential cholera outbreak to treat various diarrheal diseases into the future.

      Mazzetti/Sextant is sending two more of our people early in the new year to help complete this project. Our volunteers will mostly oversee the work of Haitians who we will pay to perform the bulk of the work, thus providing some level of economic benefit to the people there, as well.

      Mazzetti/Sextant are funding 100% of the costs of our volunteers, and we can use your help. If you can, please donate here:

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        Healthcare On-Site Renewable Energy (Fuel Cells)


        Bloom Energy

        Seven Southern California Sites

        4.6 Mega Watts




        Full MEP Design Services 

        Generating 100% renewable energy on-site for seven healthcare facilities

        Technical Information

        The Bloom Box Beta version is a 200 kW Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) module.  These fuel cells generate electricity via chemical reaction with natural gas or bio gas.  The inside of modules are comprised of stacks.  These stacks are multiple groupings of cathode, electrode, and anode plates.  Reformed fuel passes through the anode side while oxygen (air) passes though the cathode side.  As the chemical reaction occurs, electricity (electrons) are created.

        CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H20 + e- + Heat

        This chemical reaction releases heat which is recycled back into the process.

        The fuel cell system operates on a 24/7 basis, constantly creating electricity.  We call this a baseload offsetting system.  For most facilities, the electrical consumption during the middle of the day is generally higher than at night or the early hours in the morning.  The fuel cells were sized for the minimum base load of a facility.

        Bloom Energy’s fuel cells create 100% renewable energy on site for each of the seven healthcare locations.

        Environmental Attributes

        Today, community demands for electricity is significantly increasing; utility companies need to procure more electricity to keep up with these demands. By providing these fuel cells, we are providing a community benefit by avoiding another plant to come online.  The seven facilities are offsetting approximately 37% up to 81% of their respective utility consumption. Our collective projects with Bloom Energy are anticipated to offset 15,008,683 lbs of CO2.


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          Data Center Projects Increase Energy Efficiency


          Premier Global Communications Provider


          Completion Date:  

          Energy Incentives Secured:  

          Suite of Energy Services & MEP

          Improving energy efficiency, financed with incentives, while increasing operational efficiency


          Start with Efficiency

          Since 2011, Mazzetti has served as an energy efficiency consultant to this client, a premier global communications provider. This partnership started when we initially helped with selecting a controls vendor to implement the current front-end controls that had been deployed throughout their data centers across the country. These controls provide remote access for cooling system automated control as well as energy efficiency data to enable continuous commissioning of these systems.

          With this background, we have continued to provide consulting for additional retrofit projects to improve cooling air delivery efficiencies by way of air containment measures and retrofitting Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) units with Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) plug fans. For these projects and the control system retrofit projects, Mazzetti secured significant utility energy efficiency incentives to offset implementation costs.

          Financial Mapping

          As part of financing-identified projects, we have helped the client secure over $3.2 million in utility energy efficiency incentives/rebates. Mazzetti developed custom energy models, approved by utility incentive programs, as part of securing incentives for the client.  This process has equipped Mazzetti with unique knowledge of the existing cooling systems for all of the client’s major facilities around the country.

          Perhaps most significantly, Mazzetti has leveraged its intimate knowledge of the client’s cooling system operations to provide life cycle cost analysis studies of major cooling plant retrofits. The results have provided the client with the information needed to choose optimal paths for facility improvements and have identified pinch points in systems to help guide the facility on future technology deployment. These studies have led to several projects for which Mazzetti provided design services and helped support partial financing of these projects through additional utility energy efficiency incentives. By working on these projects nationwide, Mazzetti has unique knowledge of over 50 utility incentive programs across North America.

          A Roadmap to the Future

          Our goal is to continue working closely with the client to develop flexible options that will provide a cost efficient way to manage growth while maintaining MEP system reliability and redundancies. As we provide these services, we actively stay attuned to changes in utility incentive programs for leveraging the highest possible energy efficiency incentives/rebates available for any given project.



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            Strategic Healthcare Energy Planning


            Leading not-for-profit healthcare system

            SouthEastern U.S.

            completion date:

            Strategic Energy Planning


            Developing an overarching strategic plan to reduce EUI across a building portfolio

            Mazzetti worked with a large hospital system to develop an overarching strategic plan to reduce energy use intensity (EUI) across its building portfolio.

            Energy Expertise Beyond the “Engineering”

            Our client took a unique approach on its energy journey. While some organizations approach energy reduction by planning specific projects, this client focused on developing a comprehensive strategy to drive its energy future and plan specific projects. They chose Mazzetti for the strategic component, our strong expertise in hospital energy management and our ability to be flexible, nimble and collaborative.  For a project more akin to management consulting, Mazzetti had the engineering expertise and change agent acumen necessary to make it possible.

            Establishing a Shared Vision

            The client had an energy reduction goal but wanted to take a holistic approach to achieve that goal. Mazzetti and the client worked together to develop and articulate a vision, mission, and shared principles that would help drive the over-arching project.  Mazzetti helped facilitate an interactive workshop that led to articulating a vision of national healthcare energy leadership and principles (values).

            Problem Orientation and Opportunity Identification

            With an overarching vision, mission and principles, the client could evaluate how current ways of working aligned (or did not align) with their mission.  The client held a “focus group” to hear from their consultant community. Mazzetti led internal meetings to discern people’s understanding of their roles as they related to energy and determined structures that could best align with the organization.

            Mazzetti analyzed the findings, worked with the client, and suggested governance structures and accountabilities to align strategy, operating model and execution with the new energy vision.   

            Identifying Key Strategic Management Levers

            Mazzetti identified strategic levers the client could use to expedite its energy future.

            Finance: Mazzetti facilitated conversations to understand the client’s financial tolerance, conducting an A3 analysis (Healthcare process improvement model), and suggested viable financing options to explore expedited energy project investments.

            Data: Too much data can actually be counterproductive. Mazzetti analyzed how the organization was using data and recommended ways to make the data actionable to empower people within the new operating model.

            New Buildings: Mazzetti identified areas in the current building process that could be leveraged to produce energy efficient buildings.

            Behavior: Mazzetti helped the client plan and take initial successful steps to reduce energy use through occupant behavioral awareness.

            Leadership: Mazzetti helped the client think through and plan how it could be among local and/or national leaders in healthcare energy reduction.

            Engaging leaders across the country

            Mazzetti interviewed and continues to interview healthcare energy management gurus across the country to inform the solutions we provided our client. We tailored best practices to the client’s perspective.  We provide this unique perspective to all our clients.

            Flexibility and nimbleness

            The client’s energy strategy champion changed roles just as the project was ending and this led to other internal changes.  Portions of the strategy that were not embedded no longer had the necessary driver to get them embedded.  Mazzetti is currently working with the client to modify deliverables so that the strategy can be driven forward despite this change.

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            Drop us a line and contact us below.

              Circuit Level Monitoring & Plug Load Research


              Leading not-for-profit healthcare system

              Northern California

              Completion date:

              Energy Efficiency Research


              Researching plug and process loads to help generate energy cost-savings

              Until recently in the conversation of a healthcare facility’s energy consumption, plug and process loads were not commonly included. Prior to 2013, the industry lacked sufficient data to justify potentially smaller power systems, thus, less energy consumption.

              Mazzetti partnered with Panoramic Power as part of a collaboration supported by the Israel-US Bi-national Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation. This partnership focused on developing and testing a low-cost, nonintrusive, real-time circuit level monitoring (CLM) platform for the Healthcare sector.

              Read more

              When we were tasked by one of the nation’s largest not-for-profit healthcare system’s to inform one of its Medical Office Buildings’ (MOB) energy usage attributed to plug loads, we were able to apply the CLM technology. (This was the first pilot installation of 100-sensors.) The study focused on the system’s facilities in the San Francisco Bay Area, chosen to represent a range of size, age, and function within the MOB class of buildings.

              Not only were we able to identify energy consumed by each facility, we were able to more granularly identify usage per department and per circuit, not merely the annual aggregate. Even further, we identified usage per specific rooms and equipment within.

              With this information, we were able to make recommendations for the appropriate size power system per facility, department, room, and equipment. And we sought opportunities for reducing plug and process loads, as much possible, without compromising patient care.

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              STUDY HIGHLIGHTS

              Results from this study indicate that power systems for plug and process loads in MOBs are typically over-designed. These results were expected as design guidelines have lacked significant quantitative research until this study. At a building level, IEEE peak design W/SF values were 175% higher than measured values, and IEEE average design values were 260% higher. At a room level, typical industry design values were found to be an average of 160% higher than measured peak loads.

              Several low to no cost changes in building operations could reduce the plug and process base load. All computers monitored in the study did not enter a sleep mode or power down during weeknights or weekends, and the computers operated at a constant standby power around 40 watts. Simply modifying computer power management settings to power off during unoccupied hours (assuming 60-hour work weeks), annual electricity savings would be about 225 kWh or $30 per computer. The savings would be significant as computers are found in a majority of exam rooms, offices, nurse stations, and reception areas.

              While continued research may be needed to change IEEE standards, the results from this study can be used in energy models and design rules of thumb.


              The analyzed benefits included:

              • Three-year discounted payback on the proposed measures from energy savings, even when including the cost of the monitoring system.
              • Ability to identify actual energy usage as opposed to those simulated via an energy model.
              • Ability to see huge opportunity in plug load management, reducing otherwise, wasted energy usage.
              • Ability to monitor equipment such as motors for fans/pumps/and compressors and scheduling preventative maintenance. This demonstrated that the monitoring system could potentially pay for itself in one year by identifying potential equipment failures before they occur.
              • Technology can be used to offer continuous or monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx).
              • Technology can be used to better inform facility and performance statistics & improve overall operational efficiency.
              Read more

              FINAL NOTE

              Mazzetti presented the results of this study at ASHRAE in 2014. They were also captured and published into: *ASHRAE Article, “AT-15-005 — PLUG AND PROCESS LOADS IN MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDINGS”And since, we have been actively working with ASHRAE towards changing the standards for load factors for our peers to use in their assumptions.

              * © 2015, ASHRAE ( Published in ASHRAE Transactions 2015, Volume 121, Part 2. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE’s prior written permission. Contact ASHRAE at To request permission to use this article, visit The content of the paper must match the content as published in ASHRAE Transactions.

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                St. Joseph Health System Climate Registry


                St. Joseph Health System

                Irvine, CA


                COMPLETION DATE:

                Sustainability Consulting

                Michael O’Callahan

                Facilitating Carbon Reporting for a Large Healthcare System

                The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, or Assembly Bill (AB) 32 passed in CA, providing framework for carbon reporting with the intent of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. St. Joseph Health system (SJHS), with 15 campuses and 232 buildings spread across 5.5 million sf, saw an opportunity to be proactive and understand its own carbon footprint.

                Collecting, Analyzing, Reporting, SAVING

                Mazzetti collaborated with SJHS to collect data regarding all direct and indirect GHG emissions; analyzed GHG emissions for source and impact; reported GHG emissions to the California Climate Action Registry (one of the first healthcare organizations to do so); and assisted in obtaining certification of the measurements by an independent verifier.

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                  Dynamic Gas Scavenging System (DGSSÂŽ)

                  Eliminating wasted energy and paying for performance

                  The Dynamic Gas Scavenging System (DGSS®) dramatically reduces energy consumption and costs in operating rooms. When DGSS® valve technology is installed in hospitals’ anesthetic gas systems, it decreases energy use by up to 95%, saving 4,000 Wh per operating room annually. Mazzetti is working with DGSS® inventor Dr. James Berry, anesthesiologist and founder of Anesthetic Gas Reclamation (AGR) to pilot and sell this innovative technology, because it closely aligns with our mission to create better environments. In addition to energy reduction, installation reduces maintenance costs, frequency of system servicing, and water consumption, while adding capacity to the system – quickly paying back the cost of installation. This new technology – the first innovation in anesthetic gas systems in 30 years – brings benefits to a hospital’s bottom line, to patients and staff, and to the wider community.

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                  Drop us a line and contact us below.

                    Clinica de Familia La Romana


                    Clinica de Familia La Romana 

                    La Romana, Dominican Republic

                    Completion Date:

                    Design & installation of a 20 kW solar PV system

                    Adrian Peguero


                    Offsetting electricity expenses through solar-generated energy


                    Energy & Financial Efficiency

                    Mazzetti successfully managed the design and installation of a 20 kW solar PV plant to provide [80%] of the energy for the clinic with careful planning and precision that will help offset the astronomical cost of electricity from the utility company. Mazzetti’s Sextant Foundation provided resources—fundraising, time, and people–to support. Before the installations of the Solar Panels, La Clinica was spending more money on energy bills than on critical medications for patients. Solar power provides reliable energy, resiliency to operate after a natural disaster, reduced operating costs, improved local air quality, carbon emissions reductions, and local skills to the community to operate the new systems.

                    About 10 months after installation, the system had produced 26.557 kWh, resulting in:

                    • Saving 20 tons of CO2
                    • Saving $4500

                    What can an extra $500 a month buy? Just to put financial savings in context, $500/mo. buys:

                    • A doctor´s monthly salary
                    • A child’s participation in the clinic´s annual summer camp for children with HIV
                    • A sex education program administered at three different high schools
                    • Lab tests for 10 patients with HIV
                    • The monthly cost of a nutritional program for 50 malnourished clients with HIV


                    Community Impact

                    The impact is real. The nutrition program, specifically for malnourished kids with HIV, has been extremely successful. The program provides them with home visits and education for the family, in addition to pediatric visits at the clinic and monthly food packets. Mina Halpern Lozada, Executive Director at the clinic, recalled one particular seven-year-old girl who has directly benefited from the program (her identity to remain anonymous for privacy purposes).

                    “In just less than a year, we’ve seen her weight improve substantially. She has a lot more energy, goes to school every day and is able to participate actively… And because she has a full stomach, it is easier for her to take her HIV medication; she has become much healthier overall.”

                    And not only is the clinic positively impacting the local community, it’s setting a standard for other clinics in the Dominican Republic to follow, to reap similar savings to inject back into the healthcare delivery.

                    Read More Here


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                      Data Center Chiller Plant Upgrade




                      Project Cost:

                      Completion Date:

                      Mechanical, Electrical, Commissioning 

                      Canadian media group aims for American market penetration through strategic data center purchases and upgrades


                      Market Penetration

                      This client had a clear objective–to position themselves at the forefront of the outsourced cloud computing and outsourced server management among mid-market companies. Mazzetti was able to deliver both a highly functional and sustainable design at their new data center to keep their facilities aligned with this objective. We upgraded the chilled water plant to N+1 redundancy, inclusive of new chillers and towers, plus free-cooling heat exchangers to take advantage of the dryer weather and KW footprint.

                      A Sustainable Facility

                      Chiller KW efficiencies were improved using modern chiller configurations that included VFD driven soft starts and incorporated a rapid chiller ramp up that reduced any temperature fluctuations. Chiller and condenser water pumps use bump-less HAO soft start technologies. To save on chiller run time (KW) and equipment, free Cooling was implemented that takes advantage of tower efficiencies in the Colorado dry climate. Free cooling should be available 9-10 months of the year.

                      N+1 upgrades and a complete building automation system overhaul were implemented to supply a fully modern experience

                      Technically Advanced Equipment

                      Reliability was key. We were tasked to reduce data center downtime in critical situations during the upgrade. Moving the data center to a N+1 redundancy increases uptime and reliability. In upgrading the legacy BAS, Mazzetti was able to promote operational efficiency by improving control system reliability, user-friendly code and modern graphics. The chiller plant upgrade added CHW flow capabilities to the adjacent data center chilled water plant. This allowed backup capabilities for the dual data center chiller plants.

                      Key Takeaways

                      The upgraded data center will leverage free-cooling heat exchangers to take advantage of the dry Colorado weather. And due to the increased energy efficiency, the owner received over $400,000 in rebates from local utility provider.


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                      Drop us a line and contact us below.

                        Peace Island Medical Center



                        Mahlum Architects

                        Friday Harbor, San Juan Islands, WA


                        Project Cost:

                        Completion Date:

                        Mechanical and Plumbing

                        photography by:
                        Benjamin Benschneider


                        Project Lead:

                        Leslie Jonsson, PE, LEED AP BD+C, CSBA

                        Associate, Mechanical Engineer

                        Project Team:

                        Chris Johnson, LEED AP BD+C

                        Mark Stavig, PE

                        Overcoming limited resources by maximizing efficiency

                        This project started with a vision to create a place of healing for an island community of 2,287 inhabitants. (No prior medical center had existed on the island.) Evident in the location, this place would need to cultivate a culture of peace and serenity as a crucial part of the healing process, while minimizing impact on the already strapped island infrastructure. However, the nature of the building type presented real challenges. Overcoming these challenges, PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center (PIMC) is living that vision in Friday Harbor, WA.

                        The multi-building campus houses an emergency department, surgery suite, imaging, patient beds, public spaces, cancer care, and a clinic. The project was designed using Revit/BIM.

                        Sustainability Design on an Island

                        Island resources are limited, making sustainable choices vital and simple system design essential. “Doing more with less” set the tone for the project. The intent was to incorporate the community’s values into the design of the facilities, sustainability. The design team used the Living Building Challenge 2.0 as a roadmap and developed sustainable strategies through simplified systems that a single facility manager can operate.

                        Energy Efficiency

                        The Net Zero Ready facility is highlighted by a mechanical system comprised of ground source wells, water-to-water heat pumps, radiant heat, chilled beams, four pipe fan coils in the healthcare areas, and operable windows for natural ventilation in the public and clinical spaces. PIMC is achieving an average Energy Use Intensity (EUI) of 87.7 kBtu/ft2 • yr (276.7 kWh/m2 • yr).

                        Promoting a Natural, Serene Healing Environment

                        The project was designed to optimize daylighting and reduce lighting loads as recommended by the daylighting studies performed by a private consultant. This facilitates a better circadian rhythm for patients and staff. The design emphasizes a visual connection to the outdoors and leverages the health benefits of biophilia – people’s biological need to connect to nature.

                        Awards & Accolades

                        Peace Island Medical Center is a 1st Place ASHRAE Technology Award Winner. ASHRAE Technology Awards recognize outstanding achievement in the design and operation of energy efficient buildings. Performance is proven through one year’s actual, verifiable operating data. Projects are judged based on the following criteria: Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort, Innovation, Operation and Maintenance, Cost Effectiveness, and Environmental Impact.

                        • 2013 American Institute of Architects Healthcare Design Award Recipient for the best healthcare building design
                        • 2015 ASHRE Technology Award for best heating and airflow design among new hospitals.

                        This project instills confidence & inspires us to always push the envelope to do better, even with less.


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