New Senior Mechanical Engineer in Seattle, Jenna McClure, PE


We are thrilled to announce that Jenna McClure, PE, has joined Mazzetti as a Senior Mechanical Engineer.  

Jenna launched her technical career in 2004 and has amassed a wealth of experience in various market sectors. She has significant expertise in multiple project delivery methods such as Bid/Spec, Progressive Design Build, Design Assist, and Design Collaboration. Her straightforward communication style helps resolve issues efficiently, making her an invaluable asset to any team. 

One of Jenna’s most memorable projects was a P3 deliverable . The project was complex, requiring intense collaboration and budget-conscious innovation. Jenna’s experience and proactive nature were crucial to the success of this high-paced project. 

Jenna thrives on the diversity and dynamic nature of her work. No two projects are ever the same, and this constant evolution keeps her excited and motivated. 

When she’s not engineering, Jenna loves spending time with her husband and dog, exploring the woods on sunny days, and dreaming about her next kayaking adventure. An avid traveler who once went skydiving in her twenties, Jenna is always looking for the next exciting experience. 

Join us in welcoming Jenna McClure to our team. We are confident that her expertise, enthusiasm, and dedication will greatly benefit our clients and projects. 


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