Chris Lombardo, LEED AP, WELL AP, TRUE Advisor

Senior Sustainability & Decarbonization Specialist

Specializing in high performance building design, green building certifications, and ESG reporting, I excel working with teams to achieve owner-aligned sustainability goals. I believe in the power of applied learning; I’m intentional in applying lessons learned from previous projects for the benefit of my current (and future) projects. I chose to work in the sustainability sector because I wanted to have a tangible impact in the global effort to combat climate change. I’m excited for the future because green building and carbon neutrality are quickly becoming popular topics of conversation that both private individuals and professional organizations worldwide are paying attention to and investing in.

In my previous work, I had the pleasure of working with a prefab design build team to conduct a feasibility study for an off-grid cabin, while tweaking the design to enhance overall performance. This exercise required me to conduct a feasibility study to assess critical processes in the cabin such as on-board solar battery charging, rainwater collection and filtration for potable use, waste collection and disposal, and material selection. This project allowed me to participate in the product development phase, and to further my understanding of what it means to be fully off-grid.

In my role at Mazzetti, I look forward to continuing to assist organizations meet (and exceed) their sustainability goals.

My Flipside

When I’m not working, I enjoy cooking, watching soccer, kayaking, running, and hiking in the Pacific Northwest. I grew up in Charlottesville, VA and moved to Atlanta, GA when I was thirteen. Both cities have high-quality restaurant scenes, parks, soccer clubs, and diverse international communities that influenced my growth.

If I could change the world, I would start by cleaning up the oceans and atmosphere to preserve the biodiversity of ecosystems worldwide and ensure that we have healthy air to breathe and food to eat before it’s too late.

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